tag:hard2explain.com,2013:/posts HARD 2 EXPLAIN 2024-08-11T12:37:43Z Paul tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2129973 2024-08-11T12:37:42Z 2024-08-11T12:37:43Z Morning clouds… ]]> Paul tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2120337 2024-07-01T00:37:57Z 2024-07-01T00:37:58Z Sunset on the Ponderosa ]]> Paul tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2096862 2024-03-16T13:34:48Z 2024-03-16T13:34:48Z Iconic James Bond Theme - Guitar

Using a baritone guitar, Rick Beato does one of his typical but fascinating analysis of this James Bond Theme that uses a baritone guitar for the melody.

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2084384 2024-02-03T14:54:51Z 2024-02-03T14:54:52Z D'Addario Auto Lock Guitar Strap - highly recommended! Love this simple strap embedded strap lock system.   It's simple, inexpensive and just works
check it out here --> D'addario Auto-Lock Guiar Strap

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2080614 2024-01-25T20:26:37Z 2024-01-25T20:26:37Z Tuesday Morning Sunrise...

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2050957 2023-11-17T21:43:08Z 2023-11-17T21:43:08Z Friday sunset over the ponderosa ]]> Paul tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2046222 2023-11-09T02:15:29Z 2023-11-09T02:15:29Z GHOSTBUSTERS: FROZEN EMPIRE - Official Teaser Trailer (HD)

I’m in!

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2041632 2023-10-29T12:40:54Z 2023-10-29T12:40:55Z Flanger instead of Chorus, Vibrato , Phaser, Univibe, etc...

Very useful video on how to use a flanger to emulate a number of other pedals on your board.   I have to have a Boss BF-3 so I was able to drop chorus and Phaser off my board to simplify the layout.

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2040816 2023-10-27T11:22:18Z 2023-10-27T11:22:19Z Good morning! ]]> Paul tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2037843 2023-10-18T22:44:29Z 2023-10-18T22:44:30Z Fiery sunset… ]]> Paul tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2036265 2023-10-14T11:32:15Z 2023-10-14T11:32:16Z Saturday morning walk… ]]> Paul tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2035769 2023-10-12T14:57:32Z 2023-10-12T14:57:33Z Old man in the mist…

First morning walk in the park for a long time.

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2033999 2023-10-08T11:30:25Z 2023-10-08T11:30:25Z The Making of the Atomic Bomb - Rediscovering the Sloan Technology series...

With the release of the film "Oppenheimer", I remembered a book I read back in 1995.  "The Making of the Atomic Bomb" by Richard Rhodes.  

It was a dense, incredibly interesting and engrossing book as titled.   It started with a gripping account of Leo Szilard's realization of how a bomb of incredible power could be realized from nuclear fission. 

The stoplight changed to green. Szilard stepped off the curb. As he crossed the street time cracked open before him and he saw a way to the future, death into the world and all our woe, the shape of things to come.
I remembered it was such a "good read" that I just finished rereading it.   I'm glad I did as I realized that my memory of reading the book was a jumble of a few books from the "Sloan Technology Series".    Although Amazon was founded in 1994, this was back before I found it and used the bibliographies from good books to find other good reads.   This lead me to a number of great books from the sloan technology series...  "The Invention that Changed the World", "Crystal Fire", "The Tube",  "Dream Reaper",  "Insisting on the Impossible" and "The One Best Way".
I seemed to have lost track of the series and just realized it is still going strong at sloan.org.   I recommend perusing it for a number of good reads.

By the way,  I also recommend "The General and the Genius" for a more balanced understanding of the Manhattan Project.   General Leslie R. Groves was an equally important figure in creating and driving that program...

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2018853 2023-08-31T02:47:44Z 2023-08-31T02:49:51Z Super Blue Moon - iPhone 13 camera through Celestron Telescope...

Through lite cloud cover...

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2018848 2023-08-31T02:35:12Z 2023-08-31T02:35:13Z Sunset before the super blue moon…. ]]> Paul tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2013978 2023-08-20T12:29:38Z 2023-08-20T12:29:38Z Crescent Moon...

Iphone photo through a Celestron 8"...

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2011258 2023-08-13T15:20:46Z 2023-08-13T15:20:46Z Highly Recommended: Bob Roth Interviews Jerry Seinfeld on "Success Without Stress"

This is an old one hour episode of the Sirius XM radio show "Success Without Stress" that I stumbled on.    It is hosted by Bob Roth and is essentially Jerry Seinfeld discussing TM (Transcendental Meditation) and its impact on his life.    I highly recommend that you watch the entire episode as Jerry touches on many things that may resonate with you.    They did for me.  

I am a "reformed" practitioner.  What does this mean?  I learned it back in 2019 and gradually fell off as I was feeling great and got busy. I recently got back into the practice and am very glad I did.  Reach out to me directly if you have any questions.   

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2010822 2023-08-12T10:26:15Z 2023-08-12T10:26:16Z Early iPhone Glimpse of the Perseid Meteor Shower

My wife caught an early glimpse of the Perseid Meteor shower using her iPhone last night...

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2008939 2023-08-07T11:34:22Z 2023-08-07T11:34:22Z Kirk - "Learn why things work on a Starship..."
If you are a professional, you learn how and why your tools and environment works.
Then you can leverage them to be as efficient and effective as possible!

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2007057 2023-08-02T03:21:42Z 2023-08-02T03:21:43Z Plane over the Super Moon...

My son, Zach, captured a plane as it past in front of tonight's Super Moon.   This is using an iPhone through the eye piece of our Celestron Telescope.

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/2005870 2023-07-29T23:19:46Z 2023-07-29T23:19:46Z Storm rolling in suddenly… ]]> Paul tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/1995923 2023-07-04T13:32:53Z 2023-07-04T13:32:53Z Monday Night Sunset… ]]> Paul tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/1994127 2023-06-30T01:04:02Z 2023-06-30T01:04:03Z Surreal Sun Over Hamilton… ]]> Paul tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/1992066 2023-06-25T00:46:03Z 2023-06-25T00:46:04Z Sunset over Hamilton…

— Paul

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/1991987 2023-06-24T20:44:38Z 2023-06-24T20:46:04Z Very good YouTube backgrounder on the OceanGate vessel
Worth a watch!  Only 21 minutes...

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/1991840 2023-06-24T12:24:27Z 2023-06-24T12:24:28Z Guitar Meme: Some day you'll be a man...
Sorry, but this is funny...

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/1983915 2023-06-04T23:04:02Z 2023-06-04T23:04:02Z Sunday Evening Sun Over the Ponderosa…

— Paul

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/1983357 2023-06-03T12:45:53Z 2023-06-03T13:01:36Z Hmm... Remind you of anything? USAF Drone Simulation...
Yesterday there was a story all over the media (and Social Media) about "Air Force AI Drone Goes Rogue, Kills Its Human Operator in Simulated Test".   Definitely a cautionary story of the dangers of unchecked AI, reminiscent of many of Isaac Asimov's stories based on the "Laws of Robotics"...   I think there needs to be an equivalent of the FDA for AI.

Now the  "US Air Force denies AI drone attacked operator in test".    I laughed immediately upon reading this as it reminded me of  the Roswell Incident.   Not that I believe either is true or not, just immediately resonated in my brain.   What are your thoughts?

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/1983350 2023-06-03T11:31:04Z 2023-06-03T11:31:04Z Highly Recommended: Ted Lasso Season Finale!

Great wrap up to 3 seasons of Ted Lasso.   If you have not seen Ted Lasso, I highly recommend it.  BUT, you must watch from the beginning... season 1 episode 1.

tag:hard2explain.com,2013:Post/1981340 2023-05-29T14:33:53Z 2023-05-29T14:33:53Z Tim Lerch - How Did I Not Know This Guy?

I regularly watch "That Pedal Show".  Recently, they had an episode titled "Amazing Chord-Melody Guitar Playing & Tone With Tim Lerch". I had never heard of Tim Lerch, but enjoy chord-melody guitar and watched it.    It turns out that Tim is an excellent guitar player and musician.  He is also a great teacher.   Although the episode was very long, over 1 and 1/2 hours, Tim delivered some good insights and great playing.    I made a few notes below.   It is worth a watch at the link above.

Music/Guitar Quotes

Learn, Practice, Play -

  • Learn a small thing and learn it well. Don’t learn too much of it. Take small bites and chew them well
  • Practice the thing you learned enough and efficiently so that you can actually use it in a musical and improvisational capacity

“It can take 2 hours of practice to get 10 minutes of beautiful music”

  • Play This is the performance, where you actually play the music. You turn back into a musician. You’re not a student anymore, you’re playing!

You need to balance all three. Also, each has a different mindset: - Alert/Focused mind - learn without mistakes. The mind is very alert, judgemental, very articulate and we want to do it right. Slowly in a controled environment. The mind rules the roost - Relaxed Mind - this is during repetition - - Almost nothing

’If you have to give up one thing, give up the learning… and focus on the practice and always do the playing.

Always remind yourself you are a musician!

- Tim Lerch

